Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Progress in Medical Physics (PMP) is an international publication dedicated to clinical medical physics. PMP covers all aspects of the application of radiation physics to biological sciences, radiotherapy, radiodiagnosis, nuclear medicine, dosimetry, radiation standards and radiation protection.
PMP is a quarterly publication Korean Society of Medical Physicis (KSMP). PMP published the first issue in 20 October, 1990. PMP is published quarterly at the end of March, June, September and December, one volume per year.
The official title of the journal is “Progress in Medical Physics” and abbreviated title is “Prog. Med. Phys.”.
Some, or all, of the articles in this journal are indexed in KCI, KoreaMed, Synapse, KoMCI, CrossRef, Google Scholar. The URL adress of the Journal is www.progmedphys.org where full text is available. For subscription of printed journals, please contact the office of the Korean Society of Medical Physics.
pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829
Frequency: Quarterly
Tae Hwan Kim2,5 , Kum Bae Kim3 , Geun Beom Kim1 , Dong Wook Kim3 , Sang Rok Kim2 , Sang Hyoun Choi1
Sougoumarane Dashnamoorthy1 , Karthick Rajamanickam1 , Ebenezar Jeyasingh2 , Vindhyavasini Prasad Pandey3 , Kathiresan Nachimuthu1 , Imtiaz Ahmed4 , Pitchaikannu Venkatraman5
Ui-Jung Hwang1 , Byong Jun Min2 , Meyoung Kim3 , Ki-Hwan Kim1
Na Hye Kwon1,2 , Hye Sung Park3 , Taehwan Kim4,5 , Sang Rok Kim5 , Kum Bae Kim6,7 , Jin Sung Kim1,2,8 , Sang Hyoun Choi6,7 , Dong Wook Kim1,2