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Research and Publication Ethics

Compliance with ICMJE Recommendations: The journal adheres completely to the ethical guidelines for research and publication described in Guidelines on Good Publication (http://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines), the ICMJE Guidelines (http://www.icmje.org), and Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (joint statement by COPE, DOAJ, WAME, and OASPA, https://publicationethics.org/news/principles-transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing-revised-and-updated).

  • 1. Plagiarism, Forgery, Alteration

    The authors do not present others' ideas, information, research process, contents, and/or results without proper authorization or citation. The authors should not record or report with fabricated data, research results that do not present, falsified research data and processes, or results to distort research process.

  • 2. Originality and Duplicate Publication

    All submitted manuscripts must be original and should not be submitted to other scientific journals for publication simultaneously. Duplication of any part of the accepted manuscript should not be occurred in any other scientific journal without the permission of the Editorial Board. If duplicated publication related to the papers of this journal is perceived, the author(s) will be announced in the journal, their institutions will be informed, and there will be penalties for the author(s).

  • 3. Authorship

    Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; 2) drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 3) final approval of the version to be published; and 4) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Authors should meet conditions of 1, 2, 3, and 4.

    • - Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
    • - Final approval of the version to be published; AND
    • - Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved
    • - If a co-author has a special relationship such as being a minor or a family member (spouse, child, within fourth degree of kinship), they must disclose this information when submitting the manuscript and obtain prior consent for the provision of personal information. Additionally, they must clearly specify each author’s roles and contributions in detail.
  • 4. Conflict-of-Interest Statement

    The corresponding author has a responsibility to inform the editors of any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the authors' interpretation of the data. Examples of potential conflicts of interest are financial support from or connections to companies, political pressure from interest groups, and academically related issues. Specifically, author(s) must explicitly state all sources of funding applicable to the study.
    Any potential conflict of interest such as financial or personal connection must be stated on manuscripts.

  • 5. Selection and Description of Participants

    Ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors), and, unless inappropriate, report the sex and/or gender of study participants, the sex of animals or cells, and describe the methods used to determine sex and gender. If the study was done involving an exclusive population, for example in only one sex, authors should justify why, except in obvious cases (e.g., prostate cancer). Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity and justify their relevance.

  • 6. Statement of Informed Consent

    Copies of written informed consent and Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for clinical research should be kept. If necessary, the editors or reviewers may request copies of these documents to resolve any questions about IRB approval and study conduct. The research including clinical data needs descriptions of approval from IRB.

  • 7. Statement of Human and Animal Rights

    Clinical research should be done in accordance with the Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, as outlined in the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 (revised 2013) (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/). Clinical studies that do not meet the Helsinki Declaration will not be considered for publication. For publication, the human subjects' identifiable information, such as the patients' names, initials, hospital numbers, dates of birth, or other protected healthcare information should not be disclosed. For animal subjects, the research should be performed based on the National or Institutional Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and the ethical treatment of all experimental animals should be maintained.

  • 8. Secondary Publications

    Republishing manuscripts is allowed only if the manuscripts satisfy the conditions of secondary publication of the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/); International Committee of Medical Journal Editors [ICMJE]).

  • 9. Citation and Reference

    When citing published articles, authors strive to accurately describe them, and must clearly disclose their sources unless the data belonging to common sense. In the case of data obtained through personal contact, it can be cited only after the consent of the information provided by the researchers. If authors cite (refer) the writings of others, or borrow an idea, authors must disclose quotation or reference in footnotes (ending). These denote the results of previous studies and ensure that the reader to know which is authors' creative interpretation.

  • 10. Plagiarism check

    All submitted manuscripts will be examined for originality (plagiarism) with CrossCheck screening prior to the peer review. Authors are expected to conform to best practices in publication ethics, especially regarding authorship, dual publication, plagiarism, figure manipulation, and competing interests. In case of any research misconduct, further actions should comply with the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) flowchart (https://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts).

  • 11. Research and Publication Ethics Regulation and Role of Editorial Board
    • - The editorial board operates a Research Ethics Council (the Council hereafter) for consideration of research ethics and related issues. The Editor-in-Chief of Korean Society of Medical Physics is the chair of the Council. The members of Council are decided by the Editorial Board committee of the Korean Society of Medical Physics (KSMP). The roles of the Council are as follows: reviewing research ethics issued from the publication of submitted papers (original articles, technical reports, review articles and others) and reviewing any forgery, alteration, plagiarism, wrongful research paper author indication, or multiple or duplicates publication allegations for published papers.
    • - Editors must ensure a fair and appropriate expert review process for submitted manuscripts. To this end, they appoint reviewers with specialized knowledge in the relevant field and impartial judgment. However, reviewers who have a special relationship with the submitted manuscript or its author are excluded from the peer review.
  • 12. Administration of Research and Publication Ethics Violation
    • - In case of any ethics violations, duplicate, or divided publication, the Council can take disciplinary action to member who violate the regulation. The type of action are warnings, membership suspension or membership deprivation. The manuscripts even if already published, Council should withdraw the manuscripts and Council should take retraction notice in the next issue and inform to related academic institutions. The Council is composed of at least five members. The Council members are appointed by the president on the recommendation of the board of directors. If duplicated or divided publication or any other ethical violation was confirmed, manuscripts even if already published will be retracted with a notice published in the next issue, as well as to related academic institutions. Retraction notice take same form as the general thesis and not take a form like announcement or letter to the editor. Author who violates this policy or general ethics cannot submit research for next two years.
    • - If research misconduct by a co-author with a special relationship is confirmed, the co-author with the special relationship informs the relevant institution(s) benefiting from the paper (such as educational institutions related to admissions or enrollment, research-related institutions, etc.) about the misconduct.
Korean Society of Medical Physics

Vol.35 No.3
September 2024

pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829

Frequency: Quarterly

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