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  • Original Article 2008-09-25 2008-09-25 \ 0 \ 148 \ 649

    Image Enhancement and Clinical Evaluation in Digital Chest Radiography

    Sung-Hyun Kim, Tae-Suk Suh, Bo-Young Choe, Hyoung-Koo Lee

    The aim of this study is to suggest the method for image enhancement of digital chest radiograph and evaluate clinically the quality of the resultant image. A nonlinear iterative filter was developed in order to reduce quantum noise preserving edge. Dynamic range was adjusted and adaptive image enhancement was performed based on the property of anatomic region and the degree of compatibility with neighboring pixels. The lung fields were enhanced appropriately to visualize effectively vascular tissue, bronchus and lung tissue with the desired mediastinum enhancement. Clinic evaluation was performed by three radiologists with at least 8 years experience. The anatomic regions of 11 in PA and 9 in Lateral were observed carefully in each 100 radiographs according to ITU (International Telecommunication Union) recommendation 500 protocol. The result showed the mean 3.4 between good and adequate. This means that the clinical utility of the image quality is enough. In this study, image enhancement was carried out considering image display device and human perceptual system to prevent the loss of useful anatomic information. In order to increase the diagnostic accuracy in digital radiograph, the continuous study on image enhancement is needed.
  • Original Article 2008-09-25 2008-09-25 \ 0 \ 240 \ 875

    Contrast Enhancement for X-ray Images Based on Combined Enhancement of Scaling and Wavelet Coefficients

    Chun-Joo Park*, Do-Il Kim*, Do-Yoon Jang*, Han Been Yoon, Bo-Young Choe*, Ho Kyung Kim, Hyoung-Koo Lee*

    An applied technique of contrast enhancement for X-ray image is proposed which is based on combined enhancement of scaling and wavelet coefficients in discrete wavelet transform space. Conventional contrast enhancement methods such as contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE), multi-scale image contrast amplification (MUSICA) and gamma correction were applied on scaling coefficients to enhance the contrast of an original. In order to enhance the detail as well as reduce the blurring caused by up scaling of contrast modified scale coefficients from lower resolution, the sigmoid manipulation function was used to manipulate wavelet coefficients. The contrast detail mammography (CDMAM) phantom was imaged and processed to measure the image line profile of results and contrast to noise ratio (CNR) comparatively. The proposed technique produced better results than direct application of various contrast enhancement methods on image itself. The proposed method can enhance contrast, and also suppress the amplification of noise components in a single process. It could be useful for various applications in medical, industrial and graphical images where contrast and detail are of importance.
  • Original Article 2008-09-25 2008-09-25 \ 0 \ 126 \ 109

    Comparison of Retinal Waveform between Normal and rd/rd Mouse

    Jang Hee Ye*, Je Hoon Seo, Yong Sook Goo*

    Retinal prosthesis is regarded as the most feasible method for the blind caused by retinal diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa or age-related macular degeneration. One of the prerequisites for the success of retinal prosthesis is the optimization of the electrical stimuli applied through the prosthesis. Since electrical characteristics of degenerate retina are expected to differ from those of normal retina, we investigated differences of the retinal waveforms in normal and degenerate retina to provide a guideline for the optimization of electrical stimulation for the upcoming prosthesis. After isolation of retina, retinal patch was attached with the ganglion cell side facing the surface of microelectrode arrays (MEA). 8×8 grid layout MEA (electrode diameter: 30Ռm, electrode spacing: 200Ռm, and impedance: 50 kԹ at 1 kHz) was used to record in-vitro retinal ganglion cell activity. In normal mice (C57BL/6J strain) of postnatal day 28, only short duration (<2 ms) retinal spikes were recorded. In rd/rd mice (C3H/HeJ strain), besides normal spikes, waveform with longer duration (∼100 ms), the slow wave component was recorded. We attempted to understand the mechanism of this slow wave component in degenerate retina using various synaptic blockers. We suggest that stronger glutamatergic input from bipolar cell to the ganglion cell in rd/rd mouse than normal mouse contributes the most to this slow wave component. Out of many degenerative changes, we favor elimination of the inhibitory horizontal input to bipolar cells as a main contributor for a relatively stronger input from bipolar cell to ganglion cell in rd/rd mouse.
  • Original Article 2008-09-25 2008-09-25 \ 0 \ 300 \ 260

    Analysis of Low MU Characteristics of Siemens Primus Linear Accelerator using Diode Arrays for IMRT QA

    Juree Kim, Rena Lee, Kyung-Ja Lee

    One of the most important task in commissioning intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) into a clinic is the characterization of dosimetry performance under small monitor unit delivery conditions. In this study, method of evaluating dose monitor linearity, beam flatness and symmetry, and MLC positioning accuracy using a diode array is investigated. Siemens Primus linear accelerator (LA) with 6 and 10 MV x-rays was used to deliver radiation and the characteristics were measured using a multi array diodes. Monitor unit stabilities were measured for both x-ray energies. The dose linearity errors for the 6 MV x-ray were 2.1, 3.4, 6.9, 8.6, and 15.4 % when 20 MU, 10 MU, 5 MU, 4 MU, and 2 MU was delivered, respectively. Greater errors were observed for 10 MV x-rays with a maximum of 22% when 2 MU was delivered. These errors were corrected by adjusting D1_C0 values and reduced to less than 2% in all cases. The beam flatness and symmetry were appropriate without any correction. The picket fence test performed using diode array and film measurement showed similar results. The use of diode array is a convenient method in characterizing beam stability, symmetry and flatness, and positioning accuracy of MLC for IMRT commissioning. In addition, adjustment of D1-C0 value must be performed when a Siemens LA is used for IMRT because factory value usually gives unacceptable beam stability error when the MU/segment is smaller than 20.
  • Original Article 2008-09-25 2008-09-25 \ 0 \ 269 \ 459

    Radiation Dose Calculation in the Surrounding Organs during Brachytherapy of Prostate Cancer

    Junghoon Kim*, Changseon Lim, Jooho Whang*

    As a part of estimating quantitative radiation treatment doses, we produced a mathematical phantom based on the standard Korean male. Then, with the prostate as the source organ, we calculated the absorbed dose in the prostate and surrounding organs forecasted to occur during brachytherapy for prostate cancer. To simulate the procedure, we selected 25I and 103Pd useful in brachytherapy of the prostate as the radionucleids and made an assumption that 1 Ci of initial radioactivity is administered. As a result, we found that the prostate, as the source organ, indicated 101 Gy/Ci and 7.24 Gy/Ci, respectively, in case of 125I and 103Pd. With the exception of the prostate, organs with high absorbed doses were found to be in the order of the penis and scrotum, sigmoid colon, testicles and the urinary bladder, which are relatively close to the prostate.
  • Original Article 2008-09-25 2008-09-25 \ 0 \ 205 \ 589

    Evaluation of Automatic Image Segmentation for 3D Volume Measurement of Liver and Spleen Based on 3D Region-growing Algorithm using Animal Phantom

    Jin Sung Kim*, June-Sik Cho, Kyung-Sook Shin, Jin-Hwan Kim, Hosang Jeon, Gyuseong Cho

    Living donor liver transplantation is increasingly performed as an alternative to cadaveric transplantation. Preoperative screening of the donor candidates is very important. The quality, size, and vascular and biliary anatomy of the liver are best assessed with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging or computed tomography (CT). In particular, the volume of the potential graft must be measured to ensure sufficient liver function after surgery. Preoperative liver segmentation has proved useful for measuring the graft volume before living donor liver transplantations in previous studies. In these studies, the liver segments were manually delineated on each image section. The delineated areas were multiplied by the section thickness to obtain volumes and summed to obtain the total volume of the liver segments. This process is tedious and time consuming. To compensate for this problem, automatic segmentation techniques have been proposed with multiplanar CT images. These methods involve the use of sequences of thresholding, morphologic operations (ie, mathematic operations, such as image dilation, erosion, opening, and closing, that are based on shape), and 3D region growing methods. These techniques are complex but require a few computation times. We made a phantom for volume measurement with pig and evaluated actual volume of spleen and liver of phantom. The results represent that our semiautomatic volume measurement algorithm shows a good accuracy and repeatability with actual volume of phantom and possibility for clinical use to assist physician as a measuring tool.
  • Original Article 2008-09-25 2008-09-25 \ 0 \ 339 \ 170

    Cone-beam Reconstruction using Limited EPID Projections for Seeds Localization

    Jina Chang*, Won-Kyun Jung*, Sung-Ho Park, Kwang-Ho Cheong, Tae-Suk Suh*

    In this study, we describe the preliminary application for the delineation of a metal object using cone-beam reconstruction (CBR) based on limited electronic portal imaging device (EPID) projections. A typical Feldkamp, Davis and Kress (FDK) reconstruction algorithm accompanying the edge preserving smoothing filter was used as only a few projections are acquired for reconstruction. In a correlation study of the projection numbers, we found that the size of the seeds and their location depicted by these CBR images were almost identical. Limited views were used for CBR, and our method is inexpensive and competitive for use in clinical applications.
  • Original Article 2008-09-25 2008-09-25 \ 0 \ 246 \ 616

    A Study of Energy Dependency in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy of Lung Cancer

    Sung Kyu Kim, Myung Se Kim, Sang Mo Yun

    PTV considered for the energy, dose distribution exposed to lung and spinal cord, and the characteristic of DVH (Dose Volume Histogram) were compared and investigated by planning the intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) using the photon energies of 6 MV and 10 MV according to tumor location like as the anterior, middle, and posterior regions of lung, and the mediastinum region in lung cancer patients. Our institution installed the linear accelerator (Varian 21 EX-s, USA) equipped with 120 multileaf collimator for lung cancer patients, which is producing the photon energies of 6 MV and 10 MV, and radiation therapy planning was performed with ECLIPSE system (Varian, SomaVision 6.5, USA), which support inverse treatment planning. The tomographic images of 3 mm slice thickness for lung cancer patients were acquired using planning CT, and acquired tomographic images were sent to the Varis system, and then treatment planning was performed in the ECLIPSE system. The radiation treatment planning of the IMRT was processed from various angles according to the regions of the tumor, and using various beam lines according to the size and location of the tumor. The investigation of the characteristic of dose distributions for the energy of 6 MV and 10 MV according to tumor locations in lung cancer patients resulted that the maximum dose of 10 MV energy was 1.2% less than that of 6 MV energy without depending on the tumor location of lung cancer, and the reduction effects of MU were occurred from 10 to 25 MU. Radiation dose exposed to the lung satisfied the less 30% of V20, however radiation dose in 6 MV energy was from 0.1% to 0.5% less than that in 10 MV energy. Radiation dose exposed to the spinal cord for 6 MV energy was from 0.6% to 2.1% less than that for 6 MV energy.
Korean Society of Medical Physics

Vol.35 No.4

pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829

Frequency: Quarterly

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