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  • Original Article 2022-03-31 2022-03-31 \ 0 \ 1305 \ 516

    Effective Volume of the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science Free Air Chamber L1 for Low-Energy X-Ray Measurement

    Chul-Young Yi1 , Yun Ho Kim1 , Don Yeong Jeong2


    Purpose: To evaluate the effective volume of the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science free air chamber (KRISS FAC) L1 used for the primary standard device of the low-energy X-ray air kerma.
    Methods: The mechanical dimensions were measured using a 3-dimensional coordinate measuring machine (3-d CMM, Model UMM 500, Carl Zeiss). The diameter of the diaphragm was measured by a ring gauge calibrator (Model KRISS-DM1, KRISS). The elongation of the collector length due to electric field distortion was determined from the capacitance measurement of the KRISS FAC considering the result of the finite element method (FEM) analysis using the code QuickField v6.4.
    Results: The measured length of the collector was 15.8003±0.0014 mm with a 68% confidence level (k =1). The aperture diameter of the diaphragm was 10.0021±0.0002 mm (k =1). The mechanical measurement volume of the KRISS FAC L1 was 1.2415±0.0006 cm3 (k =1). The elongated length of the collector due to the electric field distortion was 0.170±0.021 mm. Considering the elongated length, the effective measurement volume of the KRISS FAC L1 was 1.2548±0.0019 cm3 (k =1).
    Conclusions: The effective volume of the KRISS FAC L1 was determined from the mechanically measured value by adding the elongated volume due to the electric field distortion in the FAC. The effective volume will replace the existing mechanically determined volume in establishing and maintaining the primary standard of the low-energy X-ray.
Korean Society of Medical Physics

Vol.35 No.4

pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829

Frequency: Quarterly

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