Geometry for electron Monte Carlo calculation. (a) Homogeneous water phantom, (b) homogeneous bone or lung phantom, (c) heterogeneous bone or lung phantom, and (d) heterogeneous bone and lung phantom.|@|~(^,^)~|@|Percent depth dose (PDD) of 6-MeV electron beam calculation using (a) electron Monte Carlo (eMC) V13.7, (b) eMC V16.1, and (c) comparison between eMC V13.7 and eMC V16.1 using three-dimensional Gaussian "low" smoothing and (d) "medium" smoothing. (e–h) The PDD ranges from 70%–105% for (a), (b), (c), and (d). 3D, three-dimensional.|@|~(^,^)~|@|Percent depth dose (PDD) of 12-MeV electron beam calculation using (a) electron Monte Carlo (eMC) V13.7, (b) eMC V16.1, and (c) comparison between eMC V13.7 and eMC V16.1 using three-dimensional Gaussian “low” smoothing and (d) “medium” smoothing. (e–h) The PDD ranges from 75%–105% for (a), (b), (c), and (d). 3D, three-dimensional.|@|~(^,^)~|@|Lateral dose profile of 6-MeV electron beam calculation using (a) electron Monte Carlo (eMC) V13.7, (b) eMC V16.1, and (c) comparison between eMC V13.7 and eMC V16.1 using three-dimensional Gaussian "low" smoothing and (d) "medium" smoothing. (e–h) The percent depth dose ranges from 80%–105% for (a), (b), (c), and (d). 3D, three-dimensional.|@|~(^,^)~|@|Lateral dose profile of 12-MeV electron beam calculation using (a) electron Monte Carlo (eMC) V13.7, (b) eMC V16.1, and (c) comparison between eMC V13.7 and eMC V16.1 using three-dimensional Gaussian "low" smoothing and (d) "medium" smoothing. (e–h) The percent depth dose ranges from 80%–105% for (a), (b), (c), and (d). 3D, three-dimensional.|@|~(^,^)~|@|Dose-volume histogram for each geometry calculated using electron Monte Carlo (eMC) V13.7 and eMC V16.1; (a) homogeneous water phantom (b) homogeneous bone phantom, (c) heterogeneous lung phantom (denoted as bone hetero), (d) heterogeneous bone phantom (denoted as lung hetero) and (e) bone and lung phantom (denoted as mixed hetero). VOI, volumes of interest.|@|~(^,^)~|@|Percent depth dose for each geometry calculated using electron Monte Carlo (eMC) V13.7 and eMC V16.1: (a) homogeneous bone phantom, (b) heterogeneous bone phantom (denoted as bone hetero), (c) heterogeneous lung phantom (denoted as lung hetero), and (d) bone and lung phantom (denoted as mixed hetero).
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