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Original Article

Korean Journal of Medical Physics 2004; 15(3): 161-166

Published online September 25, 2004

Copyright © Korean Society of Medical Physics.

Simplistic QA for an Enhanced Dynamic Wedge using the Reversed Wedge Pair Method

역방향 조사방식을 통한 동적쐐기의 품질관리

Jeong Woo Lee*, Semie Hong, and Tae Suk Suh*


*Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Department of Radiation Oncology, Konkuk University Hospital

*가톨릭대학교 의과대학 의공학교실, 건국대학교병원 방사선종양학과


A simplistic quality assurance (QA) method was designed for a Linac built-in enhanced dynamic wedge (EDW), which can be utilized to make wedged beam distributions. For the purpose of implementing the EDW symmetry QA, a film dosimetry system, low speedy dosimetry film, film densitometer and 3D RTP system were used, and the films irradiated by means of a 60o Reversed wedge pair (REWP) method. The profiles were then analyzed in terms of their symmetries, including partial treatment, which is the case of stopping it abruptly during EDW irradiation, and the measured and calculated values compared using the CadPlan Golden Segmented Treatment Table (Golden STT). The result of this experiment was in good agreement, within 1%, of the "reversed wedge pair counterbalance effect". For the QA of the effective wedge factor (EWF), the authors measured EWFs in relation to the 10o, 15o, 20o, 25o, 30o, 45o and 60o EDW, which were compared with the calculated values using the correction factor derived from the Golden STT and the log files produced automatically during the process of EDW irradiation. By means of this method it was capable of check up the safety of effective wedge factor without any other dosimetry system. The EDW QA was able to be completed within 1 hour from irradiation to analysis as a consequence of the simplified QA procedure, with maximized effectiveness. Unlike the metal wedge system, the EDW system was heavily dependent on the dose rates and jaw movements; therefore, its features could potentially cause inaccuracy. The frequent simplistic QA for the EDW is essential, and could secure against the flaw of dynamic treatment that uses the EDW.

KeywordsEDW (Enhanced Dynamic Wedge), Reversed wedge pair, Golden STT (Segmented Treatment Table), EWF (Effective Wedge Factor)

Korean Society of Medical Physics

Vol.35 No.3
September 2024

pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829

Frequency: Quarterly

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