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Original Article

Korean Journal of Medical Physics 2008; 19(1): 35-41

Published online March 25, 2008

Copyright © Korean Society of Medical Physics.

Image Based Quality Assurance of Range Compensator for Proton Beam Therapy

양성자치료용 보상체의 영상기반 정도 관리 기반 프로그램 개발

Jin-Sung Kim, Myonggeun Yoon, Dongwook Kim, Young Kyung Lim, Jungwon Kwak, Soah Park, Dong Ho Shin, Jungwook Shin, Se Byeong Lee, Sung Yong Park, Kwan Ho Cho


Proton Therapy Center, National Cancer Center

국립암센터 양성자치료센터


The main benefit of proton therapy over photon beam radiotherapy is the absence of exit dose, which offers the opportunity for highly conformal dose distributions to target volume while simultaneously irradiating less normal tissue. For proton beam therapy two patient specific beam modifying devices are used. The aperture is used to shape the transverse extension of the proton beam to the shape of the tumor target and a patient-specific compensator attached to the block aperture when required and used to modify the beam range as required by the treatment plan for the patient. A block of range shifting material, shaped on one face in such a way that the distal end of the proton field in the patient takes the shape of the distal end of the target volume. The mechanical quality assurance of range compensator is an essential procedure to confirm the 3 dimensional patient-specific dose distributions. We proposed a new quality assurance method for range compensator based on image processing using X-ray tube of proton therapy treatment room. The depth information, boundaries of each depth of plan compensatorfile and x-ray image of compensator were analyzed and presented over 80% matching results with proposed QA program.

KeywordsProton therapy, Range compensator, Quality assurance, Image processing

Korean Society of Medical Physics

Vol.35 No.2
June 2024

pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829

Frequency: Quarterly

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