Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Korean Journal of Medical Physics 2010; 21(2): 201-208
Published online June 25, 2010
Copyright © Korean Society of Medical Physics.
Dong-Min Jeon*†, Won-Gyun Jung*†, Han-Ki Kim‡, Sang-Ho Kim‡, Il Gyun Shin‡, Hong-Seok Jang§, Tae-Suk Suh*†
Recently, along with technology development of endoscopic equipment, a stent has been developed for the convenience of operation, shortening of recovery times, and reduction of patient's pain. To this end, optimal factors are simulated for the stent structure and mechanical reaction and verified using finite element analysis. In order to compare to present commercialized product such as Zilver (Cook, Bloomington, Indiana, USA) and S.M.A.R.T (Cordis, Bridgewater Towsnhip, New Jersey, USA), mechanical impact factors were determined through Taguchi factor analysis, and flexibility and expandability of all the products including ours were tested using finite element analysis. Also, important factors were sought that fulfill the optimal condition using central composition method of response surface analysis, and optimal design were carried out based on the important factors. From the centra composition method of Response surface analysis, it is found that importat factors for flexibility is stent thickness (T) and unit area (W) and those for expandability is stent thickness (T). In results, important factors for optimum condition are 0.17 mm for stent thickness (T) and 0.09 mm2 for unit area (W). Determined and verified by finite element analysis in out research institute, a stent was manufactured and tested with the results of better flexibility and expandability in optimal condition compared to other products. Recently, As Finite element analysis stent mechanical property assessment for research much proceed. But time and reduce expenses research rarely stent of optimum coditions. In this research, Important factor as mechanical impact factor stent Taguchi factor analysis arrangement to find flexibility with expansibility as Finite element analysis. Also, Using to Center composition method of Response surface method appropriate optimized condition searching for important factor, these considering had design optimized. Production stent time and reduce expenses was able to do the more coincide with optimum conditions. These kind of things as application plan industry of stent development period of time and reduce expenses etc. be of help to many economic development.
KeywordsStent, Central composite design, Finite element analysis, Major factor
pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829
Frequency: Quarterly