Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Korean Journal of Medical Physics 2010; 21(2): 165-173
Published online June 25, 2010
Copyright © Korean Society of Medical Physics.
Hae-Jin Park*†‡, Mi-Hwa Kim*, Mison Chun*, Yeong-Teak Oh*, Tae-Suk Suh†‡
In this paper, we evaluated the performance of 3D CRT, IMRT and three kind of RA plannings to investigate the clinical effect of RA with liver cancer case. The patient undergoing liver cancer of small volume and somewhat constant motion were selected. We performed 3D CRT, IMRT and RA plannings such as 2RA, limited triple arcs (3RA) and 3MRA with Eclipse version 8.6.15. The same dose volume objectives were defined for only CTV, PTV and body except heart, liver and partial body in IMRT and RA plannings. The steepness of dose gradient around tumor was determined by the Normal Tissue Objective function with the same parameters in place of respective definitions of dose volume objectives for the normal organs. The approach between the defined dose constraints and the practical DVH of CTV, PTV and Body was the best in 3MRA and the worst in IMRT. The DVHs were almost the same among RAs. Plans were evaluated using Conformity Index (CI), Homogeneity Index (HI) and Quality of coverage (QoC) by RTOG after prescription with dose level surrounding 98% of PTV in the respective plans. As a result, 3MRA planning showed the better favorable indices than that of the others and achieved the lowest MUs. In this study, RA planning is a technique that is possible to obtain the faster and better dose distribution than 3D CRT or IMRT techniques. Our result suggest that 3MRA planning is able to reduce the MUs further, keeping a similar or better targer dose homogeneity, conformity and sparing normal tissue than 2RA or 3RA.
KeywordsRapidArc, Liver cancer, Double arcs planning, Multiple arcs planning, IMRT
pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829
Frequency: Quarterly