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Original Article

Korean Journal of Medical Physics 2004; 15(4): 179-185

Published online December 25, 2004

Copyright © Korean Society of Medical Physics.

A Study on the Reduction of Organ Motion from Respiration

호흡 운동에 의한 내부 장기의 움직임 감소에 관한 연구

Jae-Gyoun Kim*, Dong-Han Lee*, Dong-Hoon Lee*, Mi-Sook Kim*, Chul-Koo Cho*,Seong-Yul Yoo, Kwang-Mo Yang, Won-Yong Oh, and Young-Hoon Ji*


*Radiological & Medical Sciences Research Center, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences, Department of Radiation Oncology, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences, Department of Radiation Oncology, National Medical Center

*원자력의학원 방사선의학연구센터, 방사선종양학과, 국립의료원 치료방사선과


To deal with tumor motion from respiration is one of the important issues for the advanced treatment techniques, such as the intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), the image guided radiation therapy (IGRT), the three dimensional conformal therapy (3D-CRT) and the Cyber Knife. Studies including the active breath control (ABC) and the gated radiation therapy have been reported. Authors have developed the device for reducing the respiration effects and the diaphragm motions with this device were observed to determined the effectiveness of the device. The device consists of four belts to immobilize diaphragm motion and the vacuum cushion. Diaphragm motions without and with device were monitored fluoroscopically. Diaphragm motion ranges were found to be 1.14∼3.14 cm (average 2.14 cm) without the device and 0.72∼1.95 cm (average 1.16 cm) with the device. The motion ranges were decreased 20∼68.4% (average 44.9%.) However, the respiration cycle was increased from 4.4 seconds to 3.7 seconds. The CTV-PTV margin could be decreased significantly with the device developed in this study, which may be applied to the treatments of the tumor sited diaphragm region.

KeywordsDiaphragm motion, Decreasing device, Diaphragm frequency, CTV-PTV

Korean Society of Medical Physics

Vol.35 No.3
September 2024

pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829

Frequency: Quarterly

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