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Original Article

Korean Journal of Medical Physics 2004; 15(4): 220-227

Published online December 25, 2004

Copyright © Korean Society of Medical Physics.

Phosphorylation as a Signal Transduction Pathway Related with N-channel Inactivation in Rat Sympathetic Neurons

N형 칼슘통로 비활성화와 연계된 세포 신호전달 체계로서의 인산화과정

Wonil Lim, and Yong Sook Goo*


Department of Physiology, Gachon Medical School & *Chungbuk National University Medical School

가천의과대학교 생리학교실, *충북대학교 의과대학 생리학교실


In N-type Ca2+ channels, the mechanism of inactivation - decline of inward current during a depolarizing voltage step- is still controversial between voltage-dependent inactivation and Ca2+-dependent inactivation. In the previous paper we demonstrated that fast component of inactivation of N-type calcium channels does not involve classic Ca2+-dependent mechanism and the slowly inactivating component could result from a Ca2+-dependent process. However, there should be signal transduction pathway which enhances inactivation no matter what the inactivation mechanism is. We have investigated the effect of phosphorylation on calcium channels of rat sympathetic neurons. Intracellular dialysis with the phosphatase inhibitors okadaic acid markedly enhanced the inactivation. The rapidly inactivating component is N-type calcium current, which is blocked by ՙ-conotoxin GVIA. Staurosporine, a nonselective protein kinase inhibitor, prevented the action of okadaic acid, suggesting that protein phosphorylation is involved. More specifically lavendustin C, inhibitor of CaM kinase II, prevented the action of okadaic acid, suggesting that calmodulin dependent pathway is involved in inactivation process. It is not certain to this point whether phosphorylation process is inactivation itself. Molecular biological research regarding binding site should be followed to address the question of how the divalent cation binding site is related to phoshorylation process.

KeywordsN-type Ca2+ channels, Inactivation, Voltage-dependent, Ca2+-dependent, Phosphorylation, Binding site

Korean Society of Medical Physics

Vol.35 No.3
September 2024

pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829

Frequency: Quarterly

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