Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Korean Journal of Medical Physics 2010; 21(3): 261-273
Published online September 25, 2010
Copyright © Korean Society of Medical Physics.
Seungman Yun*, Chang Hwy Lim*, Jong Chul Han*, Okla Joe*, Jung-Min Kim†, Ho Kyung Kim*
For the use of Indirect-conversion CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) detectors for digital x-ray radiography and their better designs, we have theoretically evaluated the spatial-frequency-dependent detective quantum efficiency (DQE) using the cascaded linear-systems transfer theory. In order to validate the developed model, the DQE was experimentally determined by the measured modulation-transfer function (MTF) and noise-power spectrum, and the estimated incident x-ray fluence under the mammography beam quality of W/Al. From the comparison between the theoretical and experimental DQEs, the overall tendencies were well agreed. Based on the developed model, we have investigated the DQEs values with respect to various design parameters of the CMOS x-ray detector such as phosphor quantum efficiency, Swank noise, photodiode quantum efficiency and the MTF of various scintillator screens. This theoretical approach is very useful tool for the understanding of the developed imaging systems as well as helpful for the better design or optimization for new development.
KeywordsDigital radiography, X-ray detector, Linear-systems transfer theory, MTF, NPS, DQE
pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829
Frequency: Quarterly