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Original Article

Korean Journal of Medical Physics 2013; 24(4): 237-242

Published online December 30, 2013

Copyright © Korean Society of Medical Physics.

The Feasibility Study of MRI-based Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Using Look Up Table

Look Up Table을 이용한 자기공명영상 기반 방사선 치료계획의 타당성 분석 연구

Shin-Wook Kim*, Hun-Joo Shin*, Young-Kyu Lee, Jae-Hyuk Seo, Gi-Woong Lee§,
Hyeong-Wook Park§, Jae-Choon Lee§, Ae-Ran Kim, Ji-Na Kim, Myong-Ho Kim*,
Chul-Seung Kay*, Hong-Seok Jang, Young-Nam Kang

김신욱*ㆍ신헌주*ㆍ이영규ㆍ서재혁ㆍ이기웅§ㆍ박형욱§ㆍ이재춘§, 김애란ㆍ김지나ㆍ김명호*ㆍ계철승*ㆍ장홍석ㆍ강영남

Department of Radiation Oncology, *Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea School of Medicine, Incheon, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea School of Medicine, Seoul, Bucheon St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea School of Medicine, Bucheon, §Department of Medical Physics, Kyonggi University of Korea, School of Medicine, Suwon, Department of Bio Medical Engineering, The Catholic University of Korea School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

가톨릭대학교 의과대학 *인천성모병원, 서울성모병원, 부천성모병원 방사선종양학교실,
§경기대학교 의학물리학과, 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 의공학교실

Received: November 29, 2013; Accepted: December 9, 2013


In the intracranial regions, an accurate delineation of the target volume has been difficult with only the CT data due to poor soft tissue contrast of CT images. Therefore, the magnetic resonance images (MRI) for the delineation of the target volumes were widely used. To calculate dose distributions with MRI-based RTP, the electron density (ED) mapping concept from the diagnostic CT images and the pseudo CT concept from the MRI were introduced. In this study, the look up table (LUT) from the fifteen patients’ diagnostic brain MRI images was created to verify the feasibility of MRI-based RTP. The dose distributions from the MRI-based calculations were compared to the original CT-based calculation. One MRI set has ED information from LUT (lMRI). Another set was generated with voxel values assigned with a homogeneous density of water (wMRI). A simple plan with a single anterior 6MV one portal was applied to the CT, lMRI, and wMRI. Depending on the patient’s target geometry for the 3D conformal plan, 6MV photon beams and from two to five gantry portals were used. The differences of the dose distribution and DVH between the lMRI based and CT-based plan were smaller than the wMRI-based plan. The dose difference of wMRI vs. lMRI was measured as 91 cGy vs. 57 cGy at maximum dose, 74 cGt vs. 42 cGy at mean dose, and 94 cGy vs. 53 at minimum dose. The differences of maximum dose, minimum dose, and mean dose of the wMRI-based plan were lower than the lMRI-based plan, because the air cavity was not calculated in the wMRI-based plan. These results prove the feasibility of the lMRI-based planning for brain tumor radiation therapy.

KeywordsMRI-based RTP, Look up table, Electron density

Korean Society of Medical Physics

Vol.35 No.4
December 2024

pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829

Frequency: Quarterly

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