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Original Article

Korean Journal of Medical Physics 2016; 27(4): 258-266

Published online December 31, 2016

Copyright © Korean Society of Medical Physics.

Analysis of Treatment and Delay Times by Disease Site and Delivery Technique at Samsung Medical Center - Proton Therapy Center

Kwanghyun Jo, Sung Hwan Ahn, Kwangzoo Chung, Sungkoo Cho, Eunhyuk Shin, Chae-Seon Hong, Seyjoon Park, Dae-Hyun Kim, Boram Lee, Woo-Jin Lee, Se-Kwang Seo, Joon-Young Jang, Doo Ho Choi, Do Hoon Lim, Youngyih Han

Department of Radiation Oncology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Received: September 19, 2016; Revised: December 23, 2016; Accepted: December 24, 2016


We have treated various disease sites using wobbling and scanning proton therapy techniques since December 2015 at the Samsung Medical Center. In this study, we analyze the treatment time for each disease site in 65 wobbling and 50 scanning treatments. Treatment times are longest for liver and lung cancer cases using the respiratory gating technique in the wobbling treatment and for cranio-spinal irradiation in pediatric patients with anesthesia in the scanning treatment. Moreover, we analyze the number of incidents causing treatment delays and the corresponding treatment delay time. The mal-functioning related to the X-ray imagers was the main reason for delays in the wobbling treatment; the delayed time decreased continually from January to June 2016, due to the attaining of proficiency in handling the mal-functioning. The main reason for delays in the scanning treatment was interlocks during scanning pattern delivery; and the interlocks has been resolved by proton therapy service engineers. Through this work, we hope to provide other institutes with useful information and insight for initial operation of proton therapy system.

KeywordsProton therapy, Treatment time, Treatment delay time, Wobbling treatment, Line-scanning treatment

Korean Society of Medical Physics

Vol.35 No.3
September 2024

pISSN 2508-4445
eISSN 2508-4453
Formerly ISSN 1226-5829

Frequency: Quarterly

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